Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Still Think It's Paranoia?

The most American of days is upon us. Yes, it is Election Day! Can you feel the energy of freedom just coursing through the veins of our great nation? You can...can't you? We are less than 24 hours away from being freed from the shackles of pre-recorded phone messages from politicos and celebrities. Released from the bonds of non-stop nasty commercials that tell you why you shouldn't vote for one candidate - while never really telling you why you should bother voting for the person responsible for running the advertisement in the first place.

If you haven't voted yet, be sure to check out this amazingly informative and completely politically neutral video. To borrow a phrase from Philadelphia 76ers superstar Allen Iverson, if this video doesn't make you "all swole" with American pride, then you do not have a pulse, you Commie!

I ran the following theory past my wife over the weekend and she rolled her eyes at me and more or less called me a nut. As any of you who have read my blog before are well aware, I view the oil industry (and the current administration allowing it to us whatever it wants) as a huge part of what is wrong with our country. You will notice that gas prices have fallen sharply over the past few months, down from record highs. The record high prices were explained to the American people to be a result of supply and demand, production shortages caused by hurricanes, conflicts in the Middle East, so on and so forth. We were apparently supposed to ignore the "record profits" reported by Big Oil over the past couple of years. Miraculously, all of the problems causing the supply and demand issues were dealt with, and we have been seeing far more affordable gas prices. My theory is that the fall in prices had NOTHING to do with supply and demand, and everything with this being an election year.

There was a news blurb on Monday morning which suggested that gas prices should not be expected to fall much farther, and that prices may even start going up in the next few weeks. No way!!! So the American people were thrown a bone for a couple of months to quell some of the unrest with the current administration over Big Oil running rampant at our expense and that once the elections are over, "supply and demand" issues will again rear their ugly heads? Of course they will! The question is not whether or not gas prices will rise again, its a matter of how much! Big Oil has two years left with the current Presidential administration to stick it to us. Depending on which party wins control of Congress - they will either have a few months with which to bang out some more record profits, or another couple of years. The price at the pump is not dictated by supply and demand. It is another measure of control. If you don't believe me, just watch the gas station signs over the next few weeks, and you will see it for yourself.

[Currently Listening: Sick Of It All - "Uprising Nation"]


At 10:00 AM, November 07, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah kind of reminds me of groundhog day. Will we get six more weeks of high oil prices or will "summer" come early for us.
Great Blog. I agree.

At 11:17 PM, November 07, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, I think it's paranoia. OPEC has the last say on the price per barrel, and they have us over one.
Talk about control - the very people who hate us most determine if our country lives or dies (economically speaking) For the US lives on dies on OIL.
Sure, OPEC needs us to consume the oil to make THEM rich, but ultimately foreign oil calls the shots with supply and demand.

If it's true that Chaney runs the oil world, why don't the "corrupt Republicans" control your oil prices at other opportune times? I think your oil control by Bush is extremely simplistic and paranoid. Yes.

And the "Freedom" video you said was NEUTRAL was in reality incredibly biased against Bush, the Republicans & conservatives - with the faces of Republicans crossed out and other ridiculous bullsti*.
Are you sure that's the same video - cause I was swoll alright - AGAINST the maker of the video!


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