Tuesday, November 14, 2006

The Strangest Phone Call of My Life

Ok, so I am sitting home feeling sorry for myself for being fired on Thursday for no reason and wondering what I am going to with my life when all of a sudden my phone rings at 5:10pm this evening. Zachary was in a state of messiness that demanded my attention, so when I checked my caller ID a few minutes later I was filled with befuddlement when the number on the display was that of my now ex-workplace.

I called back and my ex-boss answered. He asked how I was, and thanked me for the email I sent to him apologizing for cursing him out in loud fashion after he fired me for no reason. He told me he had been thinking about things over the past 4 days and was trying to figure out a way to move past what happened so I could continue working for him. He said that he didn't think he could move past it, but that there was a lot of noise being made by my ex-coworkers clamoring for me to be brought back.

One of these ex co-workers called me this afternoon and it was great to hear from him. If you've never unexpectedly lost a job for no reason, one of the biggest drawbacks is not being able to say goodbye to people you've worked side by side with and grown fond of while working with them. The ex-coworker that called today is a great guy, and he made me feel a little better about myself when he thanked me for the stuff I had done for him and that other guys at work felt the same way about losing me. That really did mean a lot. I'm going to miss working with him a great deal.

So, my ex-boss is going on and on about how he feels bad about what happened because he thought of me as a friend. I found this to be the funniest thing he said, but there was more. He alluded to a meeting that happened there either today or yesterday where some of my ex-mates went to bat for me to be brought back. He said it would have been done if not for the screaming and cursing episode I embarked on while packing up the pictures of my family and my notary stuff on the way out the door. He left things thusly - he is going to "think about" whether or not he can "move past this" and he will notify me of his decision at the end of business on Thursday. I await the call with baited breath.

I do not regret telling him off on the way out, even if it means that I will not be brought back. He had just fired me with no just cause. I may have never been face to face with him again. It could have very well been my last chance to tell him what I thought of his non-stop repression over the past year and a half. I said things that 75% per cent of the company and the industry at large would like to say to him. I was in a state of shock when I went off. I was careful not to threaten him or anything crazy like that. I've gotten somewhat smarter since my youth. Anyways, I am feeling pretty good tonight. Good because I know now that I am well thought of by my ex-coworkers. Good because my ex-boss realizes what he lost when he got rid of me. It doesn't completely erase the fear of not having a paycheck coming in to support my family, but it helps. A little. Part of me thinks this is just a ploy to get me to say or write something to let him off the hook for firing me - to get out of paying unemployment, etc. But, if he offers me my job back, I will go back. But, I'll be going back emboldened and unburdened by fear. I'll keep my feelers out there and if I find something for comparable money I will leap at it. But, at least the bills will still be paid in the time being. I do not honestly think he will offer me my job back. But, it is very interesting that he called me at all...

[Currently Listening: The Police - "Message In a Bottle"]


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