Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Streaky Blogging

I have become quite the streaky blogger. A week has passed since my last entry. Trying to figure out if the lack of posts over the last 7 calendar days is a byproduct of my being busier of late, or more lazy. Most likely, it is a combination of both.

After over 10 years of talking about it, I finally started a diet last Wednesday. Kim and I are using the WW point-counting system, which has done wonders for a number of our friends. After one week I have lost 7-8 pounds, and I haven’t killed anyone yet. The first few days were rough, but I am guessing that my body is adapting to eating smaller portions. Looking back at how poorly I have eaten over the last 14 years, I am lucky that I don’t bleed cheese or grease when I am cut.

The weekend was a bit rocky at the Casa. The Man Z had his 6-month round of shots, which are supposedly the worst on babies. Friday night he was up most of the night fussing – so we did not sleep much. Saturday night, Gramma V stepped up and took him for the night, which was hugely appreciated. Friday apparently was just a warm-up for Sunday night, as The Man showcased his lung power from 12:40am through the 4am hour in a fit of screaming likely never-before-seen on planet Earth (ok, so I exaggerate a bit). Losing sleep to take care of the baby didn’t affect me much, but I was pretty worried about him. Zachary is NOT a fussy baby, and for him to carry on like that meant that he was really not well. The guess here is that he was suffering from a combo of shot after-effects and teething. Poor little guy. The good news is he had his 6-month checkup and he is doing great! He weighs 20 lbs, 6oz and is in the 90th percentile for height. YES!

Kim and I took Superkid Gabby into Philly to see her first play, a production of the Wizard of Oz for kids. The actors were very good even though they were performing a brutally-written, stripped-down version that was at best very-loosely based on the movie that did not use a single song from the original. Gabby was clearly intimidated by her first foray into a crowded theater, but she did get to take a picture afterwards with “Dorothy”, which we are going to get blown up for her room.

Went to the Flyers-Canadiens game at the Wach last night. Almost didn’t go, as my traveling partner Brother-In-Law Brian got locked into working late. After unsuccessfully scrambling to find a replacement, he called me at 6:10 and said he still wanted to go. I was already in my lazy mode (plus worry over the structural integrity of my recently-patched tire) and had already thrown in the towel. However, the tickets were given to me by El Padrino Numero Uno Johnnie S., and I really wanted to hang out with him, so I jumped in the Blazer and picked up Brian. We got into our seats with about 4 minutes left in the 1st, and we missed little of consequence. The game wasn’t very exciting until the 3rd period, during which we got to see a little of everything. We got hits, we got breakaways, pretty goals, what may have been the hottest girl ever to grace the Phanavision, overtime, and we got to see our first live shootout. It was awesome! The Flyers won 5-4 and got a much-needed 2 points even though they were badly outplayed at home.

Today, I am pretty tired, but feeling pretty good about things. Scored some points with the boss yesterday by helping chase a suspicious vehicle from in front of his house. That was fun. Felt like old times. Tonight, I am looking forward to American Idol and more sleep.

[Currently Listening: “O.A.R. – “Wonderful Day”]


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