Monday, February 27, 2006

Milton Waddams

I am starting my work week feeling a lot like the Office Space character Milton Waddams. However, unlike Milton, when I was asked to change work spaces within the office I was allowed to bring my stapler with me.

I have to admit, I was getting pretty spoiled having my own office for the first nine months of my time at my current job. I have worked in many cubicle farms, and I had an open work space when I managed the insurance agency. I worked a counter position for a couple years prior to coming here, and then I got spoiled. I had my own office. Man. For a few months there I felt like I made it. Granted, the walls were pink and there were no windows, and I am not being paid as well as most people with their own offices, but I digress. It was MY office. I liked it. I got used to it. It felt good.

Last week, the boss came in and said that a new project manager was coming in and that he needed the office I was currently inhabiting. Originally my office was to be up front next to the owner’s, which was (and is) occupied by his wife, who is the defacto company controller. She was going to be moving to a home office, and would not need to maintain one in our building. However, she continues to maintain both the home and work offices, so I have been moved across the hall to a work station with the only privacy provided by two looming file cabinets. This work space has also served as the company ejector seat of late. Since I have been here there have been three people assigned to this work area. The first was a project manager who quit. The second was a project manager who was fired. The third was the service manager (and the owner’s brother) who couldn’t hack it being cooped up in the office and went back into the field as a lead tech. And now, here I am. Resume on standby.

One thing that is keeping me rolling today was a much-needed message that my very wise friend Kev D: No matter how much stress the boss here puts on me, or how f'd up a work environment this can be at (most) times, I still have it pretty good. Click the link above to see what I mean.

[Currently Listening: Da Back Wuds - "I Don't Like the Look Of It"]


At 2:42 PM, February 27, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Thanks for the shout out. Glad I was able to accomplish something productive today.
Be cool.


P.S. It's Kevin D. not Kevin G.

At 4:56 PM, February 27, 2006, Blogger Unknown said...

Consider me corrected. I know your last name starts with a D, too. (slaps self on forehead)


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