Something Rotten In Denmark?
There is something rotten in Denmark. At least that is what most of the Muslim world seems to believe. I am generally one who is most respectful of other peoples’ cultures, beliefs and sociological nuances, but the current brouhaha concerning Muslim protests of a Danish newspaper publishing caricatures of the Great Prophet Muhammad (and other subsequent European publications) reeks of knuckleheadosity. I am slightly embarrassed that as a former Political Science and History major that I was unaware that any depiction whatsoever of the Great Prophet’s image is considered heretical and blasphemous according to Sharia law.
I was planning to write today about my strong belief in the Forefathers’ establishment of a separation of church and state – and my fear concerning a growing number of right-wing Republicans who are trying to circumvent this separation. My topic today is loosely related to this issue in that they both involve religious zealotry. Zealotry is defined by Merriam-Webster as “fanatical devotion”. Someone who is fanatical is rarely thinking or acting logically – and when they are, they are usually only serving the cause they are throwing themselves behind, people who think differently be damned.
It is probably important to actually see the 12 cartoons that have spawned the protests and hurt feelings. While I am not a Muslim (or a touchy Christian for that matter), it is easy to see why some Muslims would find the cartoons offensive. The one with Muhammad sporting a turban laden with a bomb stands out in this regard. However, I applaud the Danish newspaper (Jyllands-Posten) for its guts in this instance. Officials from the newspaper claim that the cartoons were published partly to test whether or not Muslim extremists have effectively strong-armed and adversely affected European free speech (The answer, a resounding yes. Until now). Other European papers followed suit with re-publications of the cartoons, and a collective European shot was fired in the battle to defend free speech worldwide.
Muslim religious fanatic extremists reacted as they are stereotypically depicted as reacting – with violent outbursts. Embassy lobbies were stampeded and destroyed, and calls were made for attacks on the nations where the offending newspapers were located. Some Muslim countries have told those working in their respective Danish embassies to “go home”. Various delegates of Muslim governments and other organizations have gained audiences with representatives of the “offending” European nations seeking public apologies and reprimands of the newspapers. Is it me, or is it obvious that the Muslim world has gotten a little too big for its collective britches and/or burkas? One delegate, the Egyptian Ambassador to Denmark - Mona Omar Attia - had this to say after Denmark refused to sanction Jyllands-Posten or offer an apology: “"This means the whole story will continue and that we are back to square one again. The government of Denmark has to do something to appease the Muslim world". My reaction: WHY?!?!?
The “Muslim world”, as referred to by Ambassador Attia, has gotten away with the bullying of Europe, its press, and that of the rest of the free world by virtue of the overhanging threat of violence perpetrated by supposed Islamic “freedom fighters” who have proven time and time again that they are more than willing to take the lives of innocents to make their collective point. Islam is supposedly a religion of peace. But how do Islamic leaders expect the world to view their religion when the most notable impact it has on the world is the long list of attacks perpetrated in the name of “Allah”.
It is high time someone stepped up and took a stand against the runaway train that is Islamic extremists and their bully tactics. The cartoons that have caused this latest stir were meant as satire. No one was physically attacked by these publications. Some of the meaning behind the satirical cartoons would seem to be right on the money. Any display of the visage of the Prophet Muhammad might be blasphemous to Muslims, but my guess is that it is the truth behind the satire that hurts more.
I can understand a lot of the Islamic world’s hard feelings towards the United States. I would never suggest that the U.S. government is an innocent world player – especially with this current regime running the show. I would like to see the U.S. stay out of other sovereign nations’ business a lot more, but we as a nation should be standing up and applauding Jyllands-Posten, Denmark, the other European papers that ran the cartoons, and their governments that are supporting free speech. Free speech is at the very foundation of democracy succeeding in the world. It is what I fear might be the first to go as the American version of religious fundamentalism (the religious right) attempts to take control of our nation. If we are to be the bastion of all that is free and good in the world (ahem!), then we MUST support the Europeans who are taking a huge step in re-establishing their freedom of speech in the face of threats from a surging force growing on the strength of bully tactics. Kudos to Jyllands-Posten, to Denmark, and to all of those who fight for free speech and true democracy around the world.

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