Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Watch What You Say

I spent the first chunk of this spring counting myself as very lucky. Reports from the news and from people at work, etc suggested that this had already been a hellish season for allergies. I have had a pretty rough go of allergy season since my mid-to-early twenties, so I have been happily surprised so far that I haven't had much in the way of allergy-related problems. I went through a couple of sniffly days here and there, but I wasn't even taking my allergy pill so far this season. This has made me fairly happy because not only are allergy pills expensive - but the medical report I read a few weeks ago suggesting a direct link between antihisthamine intake and brain tumors was most disturbing. Two Thursdays ago I made the mistake of telling a coworker that I was having a pain-free spring allergy-wise. Ooops. They started to hit me over the following weekend, and last week I was a total mess. I totally broke my rule concerning voicing things that will undoubtedly jinx me. So I guess I deserved dragging myself around all of last week like something out of a George Romero movie...

Yet another sign that The Man Zachary is not taking after me at all - the kid is a crawling machine! Just over 8 months old and he is lightning quick. Not his old man. I was 15 months before I walked, and my Mom still loves to tell everyone that I have been lazy since early on. "I'd sit him on the floor with his toys and 6 hours later he'd be in the same spot!". Some things never change. My wife tells similar stories about me today.

Had a fairly decent weekend. Friday night got to unexpectedly hang out with neighbor Bill and his son Alexander. Saturday was more of the same, as we went to a lacrosse game early in the day and returned to ye olde development for an impromptu cookout. Kim's friend brought her twin 5-year-olds over (Gavin and Carter - they rock), her niece (12) and her niece's friend. I took those four, plus Alexander (12) and neighbor John (13) to the playground for some half-court hoops. I had a blast, and I believe the kids did too. Rewarded myself at the cookout with 4 brats and a burger. Kim, the neighbors and I saw MI:3 that night, and while it may have been the loudest movie I have ever attended, it was pretty good. Sunday was supposed to be a "get things done around the house" day, but that never materialized. I have since recovered from the disappointment.

Hump day is over half over and if I were to re-read my first paragraph, I would not type what I am about to type. I am (so far) enjoying what is easily my best work week since taking this job last April. The boss has given me some new responsibilities, he is talking to me as though I am a human being, and he has even told me "good job" a couple of times. Someone pinch me. I am not letting this go to my head for a couple of reasons. One, it is not bound to last - no matter how much work-related butt I kick. Two, it will most likely be revealed shortly that the being impersonating my boss this week is in all actuality one of the pod people.

I am usually a very good gift-giver when it comes to my wife. With the sole exception of her birthday (February) this year, I can honestly say that I have been pretty kick-ass in this department. I can also honestly say that I am mind-numbingly stupified as to what to get her for her first Mother's Day. I refuse to do jewelry, and I would like to do something thoughtful and from the heart - but I am QUICKLY running out of time. Normally, I have a plan of attack for gifts, but I am at a total loss. I am so overwhelmed by this that I haven't even given a thought to what to get MY Mom. I need to get the ol' grey matter cranking, and soon.

[Currently Listening: T.I. - "What You Know"]


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